Some websites bloom with the amount of varied content, such as
YouTube or
College Humor. But some sites really find their humor and voices in the very dedicated, very focused topics they take on. Here's a collection of the best single topic funny blogs.

photo courtesy of EngrishEngrish is a blog that features misused, bastardized version of English used in signs and product packaging in Asian countries (and Asian parts of English language-speaking countries). It's a simple idea for a website. Don't let that fool you -- horrible bastardizations of the English language never cease to be hilarious. The worse the error, the funnier the post.

photo courtesy of There I Fixed ItThe text on There I Fixed It's banner boasts that the site features "Epic Kludges + Jury Rigs." A kludge is a temporary solution to a problem that, when applied to the worlds of construction, plumbing and car repair, normally involves a fistful of duct tape and some random cobbling. Sometimes, people take pictures of their "epic kludges" because they are just preposterous. And thanks to There I Fixed It, your shopping cart grill can be enjoyed by the public at large.

photo courtesy of My First FailMy First Fail is like the baby sister of Fail Blog and There I Fixed It. Literally -- the site features cute children failing at various activities, from sitting on Santa's lap to going to the bathroom. The difference between My First Fail and those other sites is that when these kids screw up... well, it's so darned cute!

photo courtesy of The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation MarksBethany Keeley, a "grad student" in "rhetoric," started taking "pictures" of signs that had "unnecessary" quotation marks, such as
this one and
this one. She posted these pictures to her blog,
The Blog of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks because she thought the pictures were funny (her being a "word nerd" and all). The "end."

photo courtesy of Awful Library BooksMary Kelly and Holly Hibner, two Detroit-area librarians, kept finding truly horrible books in their library's collection. So, with the blessing of their library, they started scanning and uploading pictures from these books to their blog,
Awful Library Books. These are some really, really stupid, pointless books. Laugh away!

photo courtesy of Awkward Family PhotosAwkward Family Photos is web humor done RIGHT. It's a funny blog that many, many people enjoy. The key to
Awkward Family Photo's success is in its simplicity -- the site's editors, Mike Bender and Doug Chernack, sift through user-submissions and post the most hilariously awkward family photos and stories.

photo courtesy of This Is Why You're Fat
photo courtesy of Ugly Overload
photo courtesy of Nicolas Cage as EveryoneThe blog's title sums up its content -- it's a blog featuring photographs of actor
Nicolas Cage as "everyone." Like, here's Cage as
Trent Reznor. And here's Cage as
Woody Allen. Weird!

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