Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Low Resolution Theater: Poorly Explained by Its Name

In today's culture, what with its Zooey Deschanels and Plompamoose (that's the plural of Plompamoose) and Wes Anderson, you may feel trapped under a mountain of twee. But in that case, I say to you, stop being such a poser and admit that each one of the things I just listed is at least a little awesome. If you were able to pass that modest test, you are a candidate to enjoy Low Res Theater, a series of single-panel web comics written by Tony Delgrosso and illustrated by Angela Black. The duo cranked out over a cartoon every weekday for over a year between 2009 and 2010, so there's plenty of cuteness to reflect on. So stop pretending you don't spend half your paycheck at Etsy and read some animal puns, dammit.

Image courtesy of Low Resolution Theater

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