Monday, February 20, 2012

Ninjas: Still Funny, Still Helpful

In the middle of the last decade, when the economy was still strong, Dick Cheney was still fat and Derek Jeter could still play baseball well, we were all captivated by the resurgent phenomenon of the ninja. Ninjas were everywhere. I mean, you couldn't see them - they're ninjas - but they were everywhere. Then the ninja fad got kind of big and blown out, eventually finding its way in big Hollywood non-blockbusters like The Warrior's Way and Ninja Assassin, leading to an inevitable decline. But throughout it all, we've had the helpful advice of the classic web series/podcast Ask a Ninja. Maybe the herd has moved on to new stuff, like guidos and Gagas, but at least one Ninja is still there for those who call.

Image courtesy of Ask a Ninja

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