Saturday, January 7, 2012

Photobomb Profile

Monthly Traffic: 264,981 visitors (as of 07/10)
Description: Photos Interruptus.
Similar Websites: Awkward Family Photos, Ugly Overload, Black and WTF

What is "This is Photobomb"?:

If there's one thing that gets on my nerves about cameras, it's how they aren't magic! They capture everything within the frame, not omitting the things you'd rather forget and/or pretend never existed. Cameras are honest. And as Jimmy Carter proved back in the late '70s, everybody hates honesty.

And so sometimes our photos don't come out how we like. Sometimes there's some creepster or fatty or weirdo or jerkface lurking in the background, like George Costanza glowering behind the smiling Krueger family. But why edit these foibles out when they add so much personality? This is Photobomb says, "There is no good answer to that question."

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