Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best Jokes Mocking the 2012 GOP Candidates

Jokes About the 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates A roundup of recent late-night jokes poking fun at the 2012 Republican presidential candidates:

"A new tell-all book about Mitt Romney is coming out next week called 'The Real Romney.' You can tell the book is based on Romney. After 300 pages, the last line is, 'Actually I just changed my mind about all of that.'" —Jimmy Fallon

"Rick Perry's presidential campaign is in trouble. So, they're now selling his merchandise two for one. You get a foam finger, a key chain, and I forget the third thing." —Jimmy Fallon

"Ron Paul finished second. ... Paul says if he can sustain those kind of numbers ... and if his message continues to resonate ... and if Mitt Romney gets hit with a dump truck, he could still win this thing." —Jimmy Kimmel

"Newt Gingrich released a statement promising he would not cheat on his wife. Even better, he said he wouldn't cheat on his next wife either, or the one after that." —Conan O'Brien

Read more jokes about the GOP candidates...

See Also:
? Best Cartoons on the 2012 GOP Race
? Funny Pictures of the GOP Candidates
? Dumbest Quotes from the GOP Candidates

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