Sunday, January 8, 2012

potter mama jokes

Over the last decade-plus, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series has captured the attention of countless millions with its fantastical, magical characters and settings. But there's one thing that makes these books (and their accompanying films) a little hard to swallow: where's the "Yo Mama" jokes? Are we supposed to believe that nobody at Hogwarts ever wants to smack down a rival with a sweet mama-burn? With jerks like Draco Malfoy running around just asking for it?

Courtesy of Buzzfeed, here's a list of soon-to-be-classic "Yo Mama" disses that any aspiring wizard can employ and enjoy.

1. Yo mama so fat, her patrous is a cake!

2. Yo mama so fat, the sorting hat put her in all four houses!

3. Yo mama so fat, she looked in the mirror of Erised and saw a ham!

Image courtesy of Buzzfeed

4. Yo mama so fat, she joined the Death Eaters cuz she was hungry!

5. Yo mama's so ugly, the Dementor's Kiss was swapped out for a hearty handshake and a promise to give her a call sometime.

6. Yo mama so fat that if she confronted a boggart, it would morph into a treadmill!

7. Yo mama's so nasty, everybody calls her She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Naked!

8. Yo mama's so fat, she tried to eat Cornelius Fudge!

9. Yo mama's so stupid, she thinks Patronus is a kind of Tequlia!

Image courtesy of Buzzfeed

10. Yo mama's so nasty, the Forbidden Forrest was named after her!

11. Yo mama's so ugly that when the basilisk snuck up on her and saw her face, SHE dropped dead!

12. Yo mama's so fat that if you use sectum sempra on her she bleeds butterbeer!

13. Yo mama so nasty, Dobby wouldn't even take her sock!

Image courtesy of Buzzfeed

14. Yo mama's so old, she gave Nicholas Flamel his first handjob!

15. Yo mama's so fat, when she goes looking for the room of requirement she finds a McDonalds!

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